난징 공연 얼마 안 남았네 ~! 캔 스탑 투어 마지막 공연 이니 재미있게 놀아요 !!
Nanjing concert will be soon~! It's the final Can't Stop concert, we will have fun much!!
Concierto Nanjing será pronto ~! Es el final no puede parar el concierto, nos divertiremos mucho !!
제주도에서 이제퇴근!!^^
Now work on the Jeju Island !! ^^
Ahora trabajo en la Isla de Jeju !! ^^
집 간다 ~~> <
Go home ~~> <
Vamos a Casa~~> <
Vía: IG cnbluegt /Weibo leejonghyun90
Compartido y trad por: CNAZULITOS
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