무계획 여행 도착지 밀양.
#여행 #밀양
#旅行 #密陽
Travelling to the most southern part of Korea Miryang with no plan.
#Travelling #Mirayang
Viajar a la parte más austral de Corea Miryang sin ningún plan.
#Viajar #Miryang
잘가요. 고마웠어요. 긴 시간 먼곳까지 데려다 줘서.
Thank u KORAIL. feat.무궁화호
그나저나 이렇게 해맑다고?
慢走. 謝謝你了. 長時間把我帶到如此遠處.
謝謝 KORAIL. feat. 無窮花號
Mind your step. Thank you. Brought me to the place that is so far away for a long time. Thank you KORAIL. feat. Mugunghwa Ho
Ten cuidado. Gracias. Me trajo al lugar que está tan lejos por mucho tiempo. Gracias KORAIL. feat. Mugunghwa Ho
[N/T: The Mugunghwa-ho and Mugunghwa is one kind of train operated by Korail, the South Korean railway.Mugunghwa trains are the cheapest class of trains to operate cross-country.
[Nota: El Mugunghwa-ho y Mugunghwa es un tipo de tren operado por Korail, el ferrocarril de Corea del Sur. Trenes Mugunghwa son el tipo más barato de trenes para operar en todo el país.]
밀양 여행. #영남루photograph by Mr.K
密陽 旅行. #嶺南樓 photograph by Mr.K
Miryang Travel #Yeongnamnu photograph by Mr.K
Viajes Miryang #Yeongnamnu fotografía de Mr.K
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mr_kanggun 나는 떠났다. 그리고 자유를 배웠다.
-마이케 빈네무트
여행중 우연히 발견한 문구.
지금 우리에게 해주는 말 같았다.
我離開了. 學到了自由.
-Meike Winnemuth (德國作家和記者)
旅行中 偶然發現的句子.
I left.And I learned what freedom is
Meike Winnemuth (German writer and journalist)
Phrases shortages by chance during the trip.
Seem that refers to us right now
Me fui.Y aprendí lo que es la libertad
-Meike Winnemuth (Escritora y periodista Alemana)
Frases descubiertos por casualidad durante el viaje.
Pareciera que se refiere a nosotros ahora mismo.
Via : IG mr_kanggun
Shared and trans by : CNAZULITOS
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