많은 분들이 열정적으로 맞이 해주셔서 감동받았습니다. 많은 팬여러분들이 선물을 주셨어요 감사합니다!! 덕분에 스탭들과 저도 맛있게먹고 즐거운시간 보냈습니다! 다음엔 씨엔블루 콘서트로 빨리 찾아올게요! 고마워요 홍콩~!
Seeing everyone welcoming me so warmly, made me feel really touched. I also got lots of gifts (from fans), so I‘m really grateful!! Had a happy dinner with the staff! I hope next time I can come back with a CNBLUE concert to see everyone! Thanks Hong Kong~
Al ver que todo el mundo me daba la bienvenida con afecto, realmente estoy muy conmovido. Hemos recibimos grandes cantidades de regalos, de verdad estoy muy agradecido !! Gracias a todos, nuestro personal y todos los que comimos estamos muy feliz! Tenga la esperanza todos que regresaré pronto a través de conciertos con CNBLUE! Gracias Hong Kong ~!
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